How to Get Verified on Boomplay as an Artist

Getting verified on Boomplay as an artist can help give you more credibility and reach with fans. Verification shows listeners that you are the authentic creator behind the music.

If you are an up and coming or established African, European or Asian artist trying to grow your fanbase, verification can be a useful step. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to get that coveted blue checkmark by your name.

What is Boomplay?

For those unfamiliar, Boomplay is one of the largest music streaming and download platforms in Africa. Headquartered in Nigeria, it has over 50 million users across the continent.

The service contains an extensive catalog of African, European, and international music. Users can stream, download, share and comment on songs, albums, playlists and music videos.

Boomplay also distributes music to other streaming services and stores. It has deals in place with major telecom companies to allow customers access to the app.

Overall, Boomplay is a major player in helping African artists reach fans. Getting verified on Boomplay as an artist can help give you more visibility and credibility on the platform.

Benefits of Getting Verified on Boomplay

Here are some of the key benefits artists can receive from getting that blue verification checkmark on Boomplay:

  • Proof of authenticity – The verification badge shows listeners that you are the legitimate artist behind the music. This helps prevent impersonators or fakes.
  • Increased visibility – Verified artists stand out more in search results and can get additional promotion on Boomplay. This makes it easier for new fans to discover you.
  • Access to insights – Verified artists get access to Boomplay’s internal analytics dashboard. This provides useful data and insights on your followers, streams and more.
  • Brand partnerships – Boomplay may recommend verified artists for exclusive brand partnership or sponsorship opportunities. The badge lends more credibility.
  • Voting privileges – During the annual Boomplay Music Awards, only verified artists can vote. Verification makes you eligible and gives you a voice.
  • Higher royalties – While not confirmed, some unverified reports indicate verified artists may receive slightly higher royalty payouts per stream compared to unverified artists.

The blue tick is a sign of prestige and credibility on Boomplay. Fans put more trust in artists that have gone through the verification process.

Eligibility Requirements for Boomplay Verification

Boomplay has specific eligibility standards you must meet to qualify for artist verification. Here are the key requirements:

  • African-based artist – Currently, Boomplay only verifies artists who are based in Africa or of African origin. So European and Asian artists are not yet eligible.
  • Profile with songs uploaded – You must have an existing artist profile on Boomplay with songs already uploaded. Collaborations alone do not count.
  • Bio info completed – Your artist bio, profile photo, and other info must be properly filled out to help prove your identity.
  • Significant fanbase – Boomplay looks at factors like your number of followers, streams, and fan interaction to determine if you are well-known enough artist. Generally at least 10,000 followers are required.
  • Active account – You must show regular activity on Boomplay posting music, engaging with fans, etc. Inactive accounts are denied.
  • Legal ownership – You must legally own or control the rights to the music uploaded on your Boomplay account.

Meeting these requirements is essential but not always sufficient. Boomplay has full discretion over who gets verified. Patience and persistence is key if you are not approved on the first attempt.

How to Apply for Verification on Boomplay

If you meet the eligibility criteria outlined above, here is a step-by-step guide to applying for artist verification on Boomplay:

Step 1: Gather Required Documents and Information

Boomplay requires certain documents and info to verify your identity during the application process. Be sure to have the following ready before you start your application:

  • Government-issued photo ID (passport, driver’s license, national ID card, etc.)
  • Proof of legal name and date of birth (birth certificate, affidavit, etc.)
  • Recent artist press mentions, reviews or interviews
  • Ownership documentation for any albums, EPs or singles on your Boomplay profile
  • Active website and social media links related to your artist persona
  • Contact details for your management team or label, if applicable
  • High quality artist photo and bio info that matches across platforms

Compiling this information shows Boomplay you are a legitimate artist with an established career. It also makes the verification process faster.

Step 2: Fill Out the Verification Request Form

Boomplay currently uses a Google verification request form for artists to apply. To access the form:

  1. Go to the Boomplay official website
  2. Click on the About tab and scroll down to the Help Center section
  3. Click on the “Artist Verification Form” link which opens the Google form
  4. Thoroughly and accurately fill out all required fields and information
  5. Agree to Boomplay’s Terms of Use at the end
  6. Hit submit when done!

The request form will ask for your artist name, profile links, contact info, and supporting documents. Take time to double check all details before sending.

Step 3: Submit Your Application and Wait for Review

Once you officially submit the completed verification request form, the waiting game begins. Here is what you can expect next:

  • Initial response – Boomplay aims to respond to all applications within 5 business days. This may be an approval, denial or request for more info.
  • Follow up if needed – If Boomplay needs additional details from you, respond promptly and comprehensively so as not to delay the process.
  • Application review – Boomplay has a dedicated team that reviews every verification request carefully. This in-depth review can take anywhere from 5 days to a few weeks depending on volume. Be patient.
  • Final decision – If approved, you will receive an email confirming your verified status! If denied, keep working to build your brand and try re-applying later.
  • Badge update – Once approved, your artist profile should display the blue verification badge within 48 hours. Congratulations!

Persistence and patience is key if your first verification attempt is unsuccessful. Continue engaging your fanbase and keep applying until you get that coveted blue checkmark!

FAQ’s About Getting Verified on Boomplay

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions artists have about getting verified on Boomplay:

How much does it cost to get verified?

Boomplay does not charge any fees for artist verification. The process is completely free.

How long does verification take?

The review process can take anywhere from one week to a few weeks depending on application volume. Be patient after submitting your request.

Can I apply again if denied?

Yes, artists are allowed to reapply after 30 days if their first verification attempt is unsuccessful. Just try to improve your standing.

Does my label need to apply on my behalf?

No, individual artists can apply directly themselves. But it can be helpful to include label info and contacts in your application.

Do I need to submit identification documents?

Yes, submitting some form of government-issued photo ID and proof of legal name/age is required.

What if I am not based in Africa?

Unfortunately at this time, Boomplay verification is only eligible for African artists and those of direct African origin.

How will I know once I’m verified?

Boomplay will email you confirmation of approval and you will see the blue verification badge on your artist profile within 48 hours.

Can I request expedited review?

No, there is currently no way to speed up the standard artist verification review process. All applications are handled in the order received.

If you have any other questions not covered here, the Boomplay Help Center has additional verification details. Good luck with your application!


Getting officially verified on Boomplay can be a major milestone for any emerging or established African artist. The blue verification badge gives you more credibility with fans and helps you stand out.

But the verification process requires meeting strict eligibility criteria, gathering supporting documents, and waiting patiently during review. This guide covers everything African artists need to know to successfully get verified on one of Africa’s largest music streaming platforms.

So if you are ready to take your Boomplay presence to the next level, start working toward getting that prestigious blue checkmark. The verification process may take some time, but the benefits for your career are well worth the effort.

How about you – have you gone through the Boomplay verification process as an artist? What was your experience? Let us know in the comments!

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